We are committed to support your scientific pursuit

  • Latest news

    Technical note

    An IPHYS BIF user has lately faced the problem of the depth of field (DoF) for its Optical Projection Tomography. A highly geometrically alternating sample of fascia was blurred for certain projections which compromised the 3D reconstruction. After a little of reversed engineering, calculations, sketching and part delivery. We incorporated the aperture behind the objective […] Read more

Please, acknowledge the help of IPHYS BIF in your work as “Supported by IPHYS BIF – MEYS CR (Large RI Project LM2023050 Czech-BioImaging) and ERDF (Project No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/18_046/0016045).” and inform the scientific manager by email to daniel.hadraba@fgu.cas.cz

It is time to boost your research

The IPHYS Bio-Imaging Facility is a member of the National Czech-Bioimaging infrastructure and a Prague node of Euro-Bioimaging with an open-access policy that makes advanced bioimaging techniques available to everyone!

Our team consists of biologists, engineers, and mathematicians who work toward accomplishing your scientific mission. The team provides help from designing the experiment, and data acquisition to data processing, analysis, and visualization. 

Our uniqueness lies in the ability to customize and upgrade commercial machines and techniques 

Do you need a special tweak in your experiment? Do you need to add an additional laser to the system and monitor the oxygen in the medium for your long-term experiment? Do you need to perform ablation and then image the change in phosphorescence lifetime? Are you interested in non-linear optical methods such as CARS, SHG, or THG? Do you need to control your system during the experiment through a customized API? Are looking for advanced data acquisition, processing, and analysis?

If you are looking for any light microscopy technique, struggle with your data analysis, or just want to brainstorm about your project, you are always welcome to our facility.

Upcoming events

Metody 3D tisku a virtuální realita v předoperačním plánovaní

23. 01. 2025, 09.30

Registrace Program 2025 Seminář je bez registračního poplatku Cílem semináře pořádaného laboratoří Biomatematiky a Bioimaging Facility Fyziologického ústavu AV ČR v. v. i.  je prolnutí znalostí a zkušeností mezi vědci specializujícími se na analýzu obrazů, 3D tisk a kontrolu kvality a virtuální realitu, a lékaři, zejména ortopedy a chirurgy, kteří tyto technologie využívají v praxi pro […]

Design experiment with examples from microscopy and proteomics 2025

11. 02. 2025 – 12. 02. 2025

The two-day extensive course targets the major pitfalls of experimental design. The practical examples are demonstrated in the field of light microscopy, however, the skills you acquire are valid and necessary in any area of research, development or industry.  The course introduces the individual phases of experimental design, for instance, hypothesizing, sampling theorems, data acquisition, […]