CellVizio Optic fibre confocal microscope

CellVizio DualBand is optic-fiber confocal fluorescence microscope, which provides in vivo real time monitoring of tissue surface in cellular resolution.

Images are acquired simultaneously at two excitation wavelengths (488 and 660 nm) and registered. This provides ability to visualize both anatomical and functional information in real time. With CellVizio it is possible to observe delivery of drugs or other marked substances in the tissue.

Application of fiber probes is none or minimally invasive, so it is possible to work on the same animal repeatedly or for a long time period. Probes diameter varies from 0.3 to 4.2 mm. Due to this small size it is possible to reach any region within the body of the laboratory animal. Each probe has different field of applications according to its parameters, such as resolution, thickness of optical section or field of view. Probes available in our facility are described in the table below with description of their typical application.


External rates

  • Users from academic institutions through Czech-Bioimaging open-access: fully subsidized
  • User from industry: contact the facility manager