
Advanced Course on Preclinical Imaging 2025

08. 09. 2025 – 12. 09. 2025

Basic information The practical course aims to teach multimodal preclinical imaging techniques, including in vivo two-photon microscopy, in vivo multi-photon-based label-free techniques (SHG, THG, CARS), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of small rodents. Participants will acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various neuroimaging techniques, with a focus on intravital multi-photon microscopy and MRI principles. […]

Mechanical characterization of biological samples using correlative methods

25. 11. 2025 – 26. 11. 2025

Course registration opens soon Course program TBA Course registration fee: 40 EUR The two-day course consists of lectures and hands-on sessions which will demonstrate basic mechanical testing methods such as atomic force microscopy, indentation test or uniaxial and biaxial tensile test. The tests will be introduced in practical sessions together with their biological and methodological […]

Past events

Design experiment with examples from microscopy and proteomics 2025

Ended 12. 02. 2025

Course fee is 40 Euros The two-day course consists of lectures and hands-on sessions which will demonstrate basics in design of experiments, for instance hypothesizing, sampling, data dependency, statistical power or hypothesis testing in biology. The examples will be provided in the field of light microscopy and proteomics. The participants will learn the ways to […]

Metody 3D tisku a virtuální realita v předoperačním plánovaní

Ended 23. 01. 2025

Registrace Program 2025 Seminář je bez registračního poplatku Cílem semináře pořádaného laboratoří Biomatematiky a Bioimaging Facility Fyziologického ústavu AV ČR v. v. i.  je prolnutí znalostí a zkušeností mezi vědci specializujícími se na analýzu obrazů, 3D tisk a kontrolu kvality a virtuální realitu, a lékaři, zejména ortopedy a chirurgy, kteří tyto technologie využívají v praxi pro […]