MicroPET/CT Albira

The current configuration of µPET/CT scanner Albira consists of two systems: a system for positron emission tomography (PET) with one ring of detectors with high resolution and a system for computer tomography (CT). The systems can be used either isolated or in combination for fusion imaging of physiological/functional processes (PET) together with detailed imaging of anatomical structures (CT) of small laboratory animals. Furthermore, the scanner is equipped with a monitoring system Biopac for continuous monitoring of basic physiological functions and parameters of animals under anaesthesia during scanning (EKG-heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, oxygen consumption, blood gases, etc.).


External rates

  • Users from academic institutions through Czech-Bioimaging open-access: 350 Kc per hour*
  • User from industry: contact the facility manager

*price can vary based on the experiment